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Hi, I'm Hannah!


Photograph by Savannah Holds

I grew up in Missouri, and now I live in Florida. What a change to be able to wear a bikini on Christmas! Although I love the weather here, I did feel like something was missing when it came to Autumn and to feel cozy when you hardly need a sweater? And then one Summer, focusing on work meant I forgot to (horror of horrors) have a sno cone! This simply would NOT do. So, I set about to be more intentional with my Seasons. 

As a proud multipotentialite, I've been very lucky to do a variety of jobs and gather a handful of certifications throughout my life, and using all of these skills and knowledge, I set out to make meaning - especially inspired by the childlike wonder I saw in my nieces and the children around me.

Wondering about those jobs and certifications?


















-Actor, director, and choreographer with a BFA in Musical Theatre Performance

-Teaching Artist for theatre, dance, singing specializing in 4-6 year olds

-Story-based chess tutor for ages 3-7 through Chess at Three out of NYC

-Certified Children's Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher, training in Trauma Informed instructing

-Certified Reiki Level 1 

-Certified Wedding Planner

-Children's Theatre Administrator and Tour Manager

-Touring performer of a show that was put together in a week with 70+ children

-Seamstress and Owner of Sew Dreamy Craft Cafe

-Big Brothers, Big Sisters volunteer


-Segway tour guide

-Cold press juicer and seller

-Belly dancer, mermaid, and birthday party princess 


Join me as we figure out what makes US happy and get the most joy out of each Season!

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Photo by Savannah Holds

Photo by Kaila Klemenc

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